Numerical analysis
- Approximation and round of errors,
- Truncation errors and Taylor series,
- Determination of roots of polynomials and transcendental equations by Newton- Rap son,
- Secant and Bairstow's methods,
- Solutions of linear simultaneous linear algebraic equations by Gauss Elimination and Gauss-Siedel iteration methods,
- Carve fitting - linear and nonlinear regression analysis,
- Backward-Forward and Central difference relation and there uses in Numerical differentiation and integration,
- Application of different relations in the solution of partial differential equations,
- Numerical solution of ordinary differential by Euler Modified Euler Runge- Kutta and Predictor-Corrector method.
Computer Programming
- Introduction to C and C++ language.
- Arithmetic Expressions
- Concepts of Variables
- Statements, a function call from the library,
- C datatypes, (int, char, float, void, double),
- C primitive input output using getchar and putchar
- if and else statement, switch and break statement
Switch to WordPress
Reference: Round Of Errors
Important Concepts to keep in mind:
Newton-Rapson method, Bairstow's Law, Gauss Elimination Method, Gauss- Sidel Method
Reference: Round Of Errors
Important Concepts to keep in mind:
Newton-Rapson method, Bairstow's Law, Gauss Elimination Method, Gauss- Sidel Method