Geo-Tech Engineering - I


  1. Introduction to geotechnical engineering,
  2. Unique nature of the soil, Soil formation, and soil types.

Simple soil properties

  1. Basic definition, phase relations, 
  2. Index properties of soil - soil grain and soil aggregate properties of coarse-grained and fine-grained soils

Soil classification

  1. Indian standard soil classification system

Compaction behavior

  1. Clay minerals and soil structure: Compaction - Theory of Compaction;
  2. Laboratory compaction tests;
  3. Different methods of compaction control

A principle of Effective Stress and Related phenomena

  1. The principle of effective stress;
  2. Capillarity;
  3. Seepage force and Quicksand condition;
  4. Total Pressure and Elevation heads


  1. One dimensional flow;
  2. A permeability of soils- Darcy's law;
  3. Laboratory methods of determination;
  4. Permeability as a function of soil type
  5. Permeant,
  6. void ratio
  7. soil fabric, and effective stress;
  8. Pumping out the test for field determination of permeability.

Seepage through soils

Compressibility and Consolidation behavior

Shear strength behavior

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