Transportation Engineering I

Just tap on Topics to read.


  1. Modes of Transportation,
  2. their importance and limitations,
  3. Importance of Highway transportation.

Highway Planning

  1. The principle of Highway Planning,
  2. Road development and Financing,
  3. The privatization of Highways,
  4. Highway Alignment- Requirments.
  5. Engineering surveys for Highway location.

Geometric Design

  1. Cross section elements,
  2. Width, camber, Design speed, Sight distances,
  3. Requirement and design,
  4. Horizontal and vertical alignments.

Highway Materials

  1. Properties of subgrade and pavements component materials,
  2. Material characterization,
  3. Tests on Subgrade soil,
  4. Aggregates and bituminous materials,
  5. Bituminous mix design.

Pavement Design and Construction

  1. The principle of Highway Planning,
  2. their importance and limitations,
  3. Importance of Highway transportation,

Highway Drainage

  1. A principle of Highway Planning,
  2. their importance and limitations,
  3. Importance of Highway transportation,

Traffic Engineering

  1. A principle of Highway Planning,
  2. their importance and limitations,
  3. Importance of Highway transportation,

Functional design aspects of bridges and IRC loading

  1. A principle of Highway Planning,
  2. their importance and limitations,
  3. Importance of Highway transportation.

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