Transportation Engineering I
Just tap on Topics to read.
- Modes of Transportation,
- their importance and limitations,
- Importance of Highway transportation.
Highway Planning
- The principle of Highway Planning,
- Road development and Financing,
- The privatization of Highways,
- Highway Alignment- Requirments.
- Engineering surveys for Highway location.
Geometric Design
- Cross section elements,
- Width, camber, Design speed, Sight distances,
- Requirement and design,
- Horizontal and vertical alignments.
Highway Materials
- Properties of subgrade and pavements component materials,
- Material characterization,
- Tests on Subgrade soil,
- Aggregates and bituminous materials,
- Bituminous mix design.
Pavement Design and Construction
- The principle of Highway Planning,
- their importance and limitations,
- Importance of Highway transportation,
Highway Drainage
- A principle of Highway Planning,
- their importance and limitations,
- Importance of Highway transportation,
Traffic Engineering
- A principle of Highway Planning,
- their importance and limitations,
Importance of Highway transportation,
Functional design aspects of bridges and IRC loading
- A principle of Highway Planning,
- their importance and limitations,
Importance of Highway transportation.