English for Professional Communication

Minimum required knowledge of English:
A student must be able to :
  • Write reasonably and grammatically. 
  • Understand at least 2500 general purpose word of English. 
  • Use general purpose word to express himself in writing and 1500 words to talk about day to day life. 
  • Speak reasonably cleary (if not fluently) on routine matters with his fellow students or friends.
Table of Contents:
  1. Communication
  2. Professional writing 
  3. Graphics
  4. Phonetics and Phonology
  5. Report Writing
  6. Discussion Skills
  7. Presentation Skills
  8. Study skills


  1. Introduction, 
  2. Role of Communication (link2
  3. An objective of Communication
  4. The process of Communication
  5. Element of Communication 
  6. Essentials of Communication 
  7. Flow of Communication 
  8. Barriers/Factors inhibiting, 
  9. Verbal/Non-Verbal 
  10. Kinetics/Body Languages 
  11. Style in Technical communication 
  12. Communication skills- Reading, writing, Speaking, Listening, and Talking

Professional writing 

  1. Business Letters/ Official letters
  2. Letter Writing Skills
  3. Letter writing  process
  4. Form and Structure
  5. Letter formats
  6. Essential of Letter writing
  7. Types of Professional letters
  8. Planning of the Letters
  9. D.O. letters
  10. Resume and Job application


  1. Introduction
  2. Planning of  graphics
  3. Placing of graphics
  4. Construction of graphics
  5. Types of Graphics

Phonetics and Phonology

  1. Introduction
  2. Organs of speech/Speech Mechanism
  3. Phonotics symbols
  4. Consonants/vowels/Dipithogons classification
  5. Stress pattern/Introduction
  6. Pronunciation Guideline
  7. Syllable/syllable division
  8. Tones

Report Writing

  1. Introduction
  2. An important feature of the report
  3. Types of report
  4. Structure and Layout Format
  5. Language & Style
  6. Project report, Laboratory report, Industry report, Sociocultural survey report and Technical report.
  7. Proposals - Natures, Siginficance, Types, Strucutre.

Discussion Skills

  1. Introduction
  2. Importance of group Discussion skills
  3. A process of Group Discussion
  4. Group discussions strategies, Interaction strategies, Individual Contribution.
  5. Leadership skills, Team management, Creating a friendly co-operative atmosphere.

Presentation Skills

  1. Introduction - Meaning of Presentation
  2. Nature and Importance of presentation
  3. Planning Presentation
  4. An objective with central Idea, Main ideas, role of Supporting material 
  5. Handling stages fright.


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