English for Professional Communication
Minimum required knowledge of English:
A student must be able to :
A student must be able to :
- Write reasonably and grammatically.
- Understand at least 2500 general purpose word of English.
- Use general purpose word to express himself in writing and 1500 words to talk about day to day life.
- Speak reasonably cleary (if not fluently) on routine matters with his fellow students or friends.
- Communication
- Professional writing
- Graphics
- Phonetics and Phonology
- Report Writing
- Discussion Skills
- Presentation Skills
- Study skills
- Introduction,
- Role of Communication (link2)
- An objective of Communication
- The process of Communication
- Element of Communication
- Essentials of Communication
- Flow of Communication
- Barriers/Factors inhibiting,
- Verbal/Non-Verbal
- Kinetics/Body Languages
- Style in Technical communication
- Communication skills- Reading, writing, Speaking, Listening, and Talking
Professional writing
- Business Letters/ Official letters
- Letter Writing Skills
- Letter writing process
- Form and Structure
- Letter formats
- Essential of Letter writing
- Types of Professional letters
- Planning of the Letters
- D.O. letters
- Resume and Job application
- Introduction
- Planning of graphics
- Placing of graphics
- Construction of graphics
- Types of Graphics
Phonetics and Phonology
- Introduction
- Organs of speech/Speech Mechanism
- Phonotics symbols
- Consonants/vowels/Dipithogons classification
- Stress pattern/Introduction
- Pronunciation Guideline
- Syllable/syllable division
- Tones
Report Writing
- Introduction
- An important feature of the report
- Types of report
- Structure and Layout Format
- Language & Style
- Project report, Laboratory report, Industry report, Sociocultural survey report and Technical report.
- Proposals - Natures, Siginficance, Types, Strucutre.
Discussion Skills
- Introduction
- Importance of group Discussion skills
- A process of Group Discussion
- Group discussions strategies, Interaction strategies, Individual Contribution.
- Leadership skills, Team management, Creating a friendly co-operative atmosphere.
Presentation Skills
- Introduction - Meaning of Presentation
- Nature and Importance of presentation
- Planning Presentation
- An objective with central Idea, Main ideas, role of Supporting material
- Handling stages fright.
- What is Communication? Why it needs?
- What is Communication? Why it needs?
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