Engineering Geology


  1. Physical properties and detailed study of certain rock-forming minerals. 


  1. Thier Origin, structure, texture and, 
  2. Classification of igneous, sedimentary and metamorphic and metamorphic rocks and their suitability as engineering materials, 
  3. Building stones, 
  4. Engineering properties of rooks. 
  5. Stratification, lamination bedding, and dip strike of bed, overlap. 

Rock deformation

  1. Folds, 
  2. Faults, 
  3. joints unconformity and their classification, 
  4. causes, and relation to engineering behavior of rock masses. 

  • Earthquake, its causes, classification, seismic zones of India and geological consideration for construction of a building.
  • Underground water, Origin, Aquifier, Acqicludes, Artesian wells, Underground provinces of India and it's roles as geological Hazzard.
  • Geological investigation for site selection of Dams and Reservoirs, tunnels, Bridge, and highways.
  • Principles of geophysical explorations, methods for subsurface structure.

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