Management Science

  1. Planning: Nature, purpose, and objectives. 
  2. Organizing: nature and purpose. 
  3. Authority and responsibility, Staffing, Supply of Human Resources. 
  4. Performance appraisal, 
  5. Controlling: System and purpose of Controlling,
  6. Controlling techniques.
Human Resources Management
  1. Nature and scope of human resources planning, 
  2. training, and Development, 
  3. recruitment and selection, career growth, grievances.
  4. Motivation and its type, need for motivation, reward, and punishment, models of motivation. 
  5. Leaders: kind of leaders, leadership styles.
Marketing Management/Marketing Environment
  1. Consumer markets and Buyer behavior marketing.
  2. Mix Advertising and Sales promotion.
  3. Channels of distribution.
Financial management and accounting concepts
  1. Bookkeeping, 
  2. Financial statement analysis, Financial ratios, Capital budgeting, 
  3. Break-even analysis.

Important Terms

Planning: Nature, Purpose and Objectives, Planning Organizing: Nature and purpose.


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